Hello Members
i need all of yours help to tune this query
Currently my Database Size is after indexing column 50 GB
My Current Server Configuration is
RAM : 32 GB
HDD: 150 GB RAID 10
RAM almost use 30.5 GB always
I have index the column name,mobile1,mobile2,mobile3,email1,email2,email3,email4
so base on this columns i am writing following query's. let me know how best we can tune this query's for fast result
Query 1:
Select ContentId,Name,mobile1, EmailId1,Address1,CityId,StateId from [content]
WHERE Name like 'Sumeet% Rathod%' and [StateId]='18' and [CityId] ='20' order by 1 OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY
Query 2:
SELECT Name,ContentId,EmailId1,Address1,CityId,StateId FROM content WHERE Mobile1 = '9930809662' Union All
SELECT Name,ContentId,EmailId1,Address1,CityId,StateId FROM content WHERE Mobile2 = '9930809662' Union All
SELECT Name,ContentId,EmailId1,Address1,CityId,StateId FROM content WHERE Mobile3 = '9930809662' order by 1
Can any one help me to tune this query for better result
or do i have to do anything settings on sql server for better performance
Why RAM always use complete resources out of 32 GB?
is my server configuration wrong or would i have to deploy something best than this ?