I am working on a project to convert data from an old ERP system to a new ERP system. The issue I am having is that in the old system, the product description is a varchar(255), although we don't have any descriptions that are longer than 50, and in the new system it has 2 fields that are each varchar(30). I could easily say put the first 30 characters into description field 1 in the new system and the rest in description field 2, but then we have the issue of words being split.
I'm sure this will require a function, but is there a way to split the field at the last space before 30 characters?
So if our description is something like this "red box" and the o is at position 30, I don't want it to end up as
description 1 = ............red bo
description 2 = x
I want it to end up as
description 1 = .............red
description 2 = box
Hopefully what I am describing here is making sense.